Thursday, December 31, 2009

10 Tips for New Year's Resolution

1.Be honest. Know yourself. What is your strongest virtue? What is your worst vice? Therefore, tailor your resolution so it strengthens your good side and fights your bad one. A one-size fits all resolution is useless.

2.Be specific. Don’t use generalities. They don’t work. For example, if you need to be more humble, just saying “I am going to be more humble,” is useless. You need to zero in on one situation where you need to practice humility and resolve to improve in that one situation.

3.Be simple. Don’t make it complicated. Focus on something you can see and measure easily and that does not overwhelm you each time you try to obtain it. Otherwise, you will become distracted and your energy will be dispersed and misdirected.

4.Be reasonable. Don’t try to do too much at once. You won’t become a saint in one day. Remember: every soul has one MAJOR point upon which is hinged his or her entire fidelity to God and His Holy Laws. Find out and work on improving that key point. You’ll see how everything else will improve if you improve on that one major point.

5.Be consistent. It’s far better to do something small everyday to improve on that one key point in your soul than to make a big resolution that you cannot keep for more than a week or two. Slow and steady wins the race!

6.Be humble. Recognize that you cannot do any good action which has value in the supernatural order without God’s grace and the intercessory help of the Blessed Mother. Beg God’s grace through Our Lady’s intercession constantly in all your thoughts, desires and actions

7.Be disinterested. Remember that God wants us to defend His rights and interests, and to share His thoughts and ways. And therefore, to focus on things, happening and events that are very close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary that are not necessarily linked to our own personal interests.

8.Write it down. It’s important to write down your resolution so you can refer back to it often during the year. Also, by writing it down, you will be able to review it when the year is over, and to evaluate your progress since the time the resolution was made.

9.Public expressions of faith. Don’t hide your faith. That’s just what the devil wants. He knows when you express your faith publicly, others see you and are encouraged to follow your good example. Say grace openly and proudly before meals in a restaurant so people can see. You’ll be surprised with the good reactions you will get.

10.Devotion to Our Lady. Have more devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Devotion to the Mother of God is a panacea. Saint Louis de Montfort said that devotion to Holy Mary is the easiest, safest, fastest, most secure, and surest path to Jesus and to our own salvation. If you can nothing else, resolve to say the Rosary everyday. Saint Louis de Montfort wrote:

“If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins 'you shall receive a never-fading crown of glory.' Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil as sorcerers do who practice black magic, and even if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and will save your soul, if-- and mark well what I say-- if you say the Holy Rosary devoutly every day until death for the purpose of knowing the truth and obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins."

Christian Glitter by

Christian Glitter by

Thursday, December 24, 2009


It is an uplifting week and a week during which our eyes should lift up toward Heaven.

What's it like?

All in Heaven edifies. All in Heaven gives health. Trees are august and towering and yet bear total symmetry – none growing beyond its place in a mosaic that could only be orchestrated by God.

It is a place of reception and also a place that ministers to those who are resting (taking a break from the tasks of God). Those who traverse do so with no rush because they have all the time of eternity, which of course means that there is no time at all – just the present. Past and future have found their way into one inconceivable package.

"In the distance by the river there were six or seven people standing by some trees, and I could tell that they were waiting for me," said a woman named Elaine who had a near-death experience. "It was as if they knew I was coming. One of them looked up and said, 'There she is!' A man leaning against a tree motioned with his arm.

"All of them were dressed in white, a white which radiated light. Their hands and faces were not the same as on earth, but I recognized them quickly. They were about thirty years of age in appearance, much younger than when I had seen them last."

A crippled aunt was no longer crippled.

Green radiates.

All communicates. All provides information.

Humility sends us in the proper direction.

Pride of intellect blinds us to God around us.

"Oh, my goodness, I should have known!" you will say when you see what your earthly mission had been. "Of course. Oh, that’s why such and such occurred. Oh, I see why that was arranged. Oh, my, I understand why those who were involved were involved – I see why I met everyone!"

This will unfold in a surrounding that is sheer delight.

As the mysteries of your life unfold, you may see the "wall" of eternity scroll down or view earth through the walls of the reception area. All will be brought before you in an instant. You will delight in what you overcame!

Kindness brings joy and somewhere in your mysterious mission is the task to love despite the circumstances (and the arrogance of this world).

Every hardship will be "gold" and you will see it.

Just think of what it would be like to realize that one important mission was simply to smile at someone each day!

A smile on earth, a "Merry Christmas" (with feeling), reflects the sunshine of Heaven.

At Christmas, in prayer, Heaven touches earth.

"The weather was absolutely perfect in terms of temperature and humidity," said a blind man who saw the surroundings when he too neared actual death. "It was so fresh, so unbelievably fresh that mountain air on earth could not even come close. It was absolutely refreshing, wonderfully refreshing."

"It seemed to be all-encompassing," said another blind man named Brad in a book about blind near-death cases penned by a doctor named Kenneth Ring. "It seemed like everything, even the grass I had been stepping on, seemed to soak in that light. It seemed like the light could actually penetrate through everything that was there, even the leaves on the trees. There was no shade; there was no need for shade."

False humility will not get you here.

The light shimmers; it causes warmth (as if you are inside of it).

There are jasper and gem stones – the blind have described such also, just like anyone else who goes through the experience.

Yet they are not gems – not like stones of the earth.

Everything will be imbued with the Light of God and will emanate it – everything, that is, beyond purgatory. On earth, objects depend on radiation from the sun, or artificial light, reflecting it. The way they refract or absorb the sun determines their color. On earth, there are primary colors (red, green, and blue; all other colors come from a mixture or concentration of those, or an absence). In Heaven, there are dozens – hundreds – and they are perceived in different ways according to the level.

In Heaven, everything seems luminous because everything yields the power of God from within instead of a reflection from without. We are more connected. Our thoughts are our communication and transportation. Often, those who die and return say they were taken through realms by Jesus and that as quick as they thought of where they wanted to head, they were there – to different levels and sometimes with a scenery that would put one in mind of traveling through the universe.

There are stars. There are galaxies. There are planets. Are they really stars?

Many who die describe a flight in what seemed like space, leaving earth and moving at a super speed. "Instead of a tunnel, some people report rising suddenly into the heavens and seeing the earth and the celestial sphere as they would be seen by astronauts in space," wrote the foremost researcher in this field, Dr. Raymond Moody.

When we die, we are free from the boundaries of this world and new worlds open for us. Endless worlds. Endless universes." Some of those who have died and returned even use the term "eternities."

There may be a wall. There may be a bridge. We will meet ancestors. We will map our genealogies. Families bear purpose and you will learn that purpose. When a West Coast woman named Kimberly Clark Sharp died, the way she described the feeling of eternity was with words she used as a child: "homey home." It is more than home. It is our origin. Our spirits were created here. They were infused into our bodies when the Lord knitted us in the womb. Before we existed, He knew us, says the Bible. Gabrielle Keller said "it was everything you could wish for if you were trying to imagine Heaven. The feeling of wonder and peace that I had was something I have never experienced before or since. A group of people met me, walking up to me with their arms outstretched. I had never seen any of them before, but somehow they were familiar."

Not forgiving will stifle you.

It is a lesson of the Crucifixion: to forgive no matter what, to release to the Father, and endure pain without purveying it. Christ gave us the keys to eternity on Calvary. We can rise like Him – not resurrect, bodily (that was for the Son of God), but to rise above the antagonisms, the hurts, the pain of this passing world.

How quickly it passes! We are here for but an average of 29,000 days or 42 million minutes. The clock ticks. We are "homeward bound." And this is what we must bind ourselves to: our true home, beyond the star that shone that night to shepherds who followed not their heads but their hearts.

Resources: Spirit Daily

Saturday, December 19, 2009


This Christmas season, try the prayer of the touch of love.

Send God's light to everyone. Touch everyone with love -- and humility. During prayer, see each person and bless them. What power this has -- for them and for you! Humility.

"I have been making a Holy Hour for each year of my life, beginning with my conception to birth, and so on, for all my life," a viewer who was at our New Jersey retreat informed us. "At each Holy Hour I lift up the particular year, and ask Our Lord to shine His Light and Love throughout that whole year and to repair it!"

When we pray this way we can cleanse family disturbances. We can clean the "family tree." We can halt tragedy. We can rectify past areas -- times we didn't love.

And with it we gain supernatural logic: when we cleanse our interior lives and pray with love, we understand more of God and figure things the way they are meant to be figured. We begin to transcend the earth's blindness. The entirety of this test called earth becomes more available and lifts us from sorrows and repeating mistakes.

We see progression where others see personal disasters. Tragedies are not then always so "tragic" -- unless we don't learn from them. Often, when prayers are not answered -- when we pray and pray and they seem to simply bounce off -- it's because first we must remove evil. We must remove pride. That will block you!

Too often -- instead of a deep cleansing, instead of surgery -- we use band-aids. This leads to frustration. It can also lead to a series of unfortunate events. Now, not all tragedy is because we are doing wrong. There are the tests of life. But:

Just as God tries to warn society (through world events, through storms, through quakes), so does he send us first tremors. One hardship may be followed by another (and intensify). That's because God views what is best for your eternity.

The answer is to pray the prayer of the power of love and turn our sights into the deepest interiors of ourselves and our families -- praying to cleanse and then praying for a bubble of protection.

What a Christmas gift this is: love -- and deliverance -- in our families!

Especially, cast out pride. Pray to see where it hides.

Few things are more dangerous. Few things attract as much "bad luck."

They say that pride goes before the fall and that's because pride is the oxygen of the devil. It is spiritual octane. It's like pouring gasoline on embers. The metaphors! It puffs up.

It causes a fall and we could also say that it creates a barricade that bounces away supplications.

What is pride? It is seeking to be above others. It is an orientation toward self. It is putting self-interest above the interests of others. It is to believe what we achieve has been achieved solely through our own efforts or "talents" -- discounting that really any good we do is from gifts we have received from the Lord.

It is feeling inflated and it is to judge by numbers and it is to be jealous when we perceive someone as having what we deserve.

Pride is arrogant. Pride is celebrity. Pride is seeking notoriety (instead of the hidden way of Therese the Little Flower). Pride is seen as the skull in the vanity mirror.

Pride can not bear to be wrong.

Pride prohibits contrary opinions.

Pride forms cults.

Pride declares the truth to be an insult.

Pride causes one to attack another (to speak harshly and self-righteously).

Pride is violence against the spirit because it proclaims one person as worth more than another.

Pride is also deceptive; its greatest deception is upon the one who possesses it.

The spirit of pride can manifest as jealousy, haughtiness, superiority, materialism, conspicuous consumption, gossip, stubbornness, fashion, self-righteousness, and the need to control (which is the urge behind witchcraft). "I will also break down your pride of power," says Leviticus 26:19. "I will also make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze."

If you are under duress -- ill fortune, or attack -- see first if pride is empowering it.

Then, defeat it with humbleness.

Humility was the lesson of the manger.

Humility loves and pride hates and pride fuels the enemy because he is the prince of it.

If God seems absent, cleanse pride and pray with love and see things through the supernatural (as opposed to the worldly, which is what got you into trouble to begin with). "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world," says 1 John 2:16.

Do you have "blocks" in your life? Do you find yourself with intractable problems?

When we have pride, others have trouble praying for us. There is a resistance. There may even be revulsion. Pride builds in and around us. We are "sealed tight" by it (Job 41:15). "There they cry out, but He does not answer, because of the pride of evil men," adds 35:12. During exorcism the demon is exposed as having a wall of "pretense" that acts as a shell.

That needs to be broken or God will move to do so for you.

"A man's pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor," adds Proverbs
Pride goes along with "deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, and foolishness" (Mark 7:22). We have pride in our looks, in our cars, in our homes, in our smarts, in our jobs, in our schooling, in our neighborhoods, in our religiosity, in our friends, in our wealth. It is to compare, hoping always to have better. It is to compete instead of to cooperate.

It is clever. It is at the deepest levels of our souls. It is exhibited in ways we don't even see -- especially through any sort of facade.

This Christmas season, find out where it is.

This Christ-Mass, focus on expelling it.

Replace it with humility, with which (coupled with love) you will make life merry all year round and defeat darkness.

[resources: The God of Miracles- Spirit Daily]

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christian Glitter by

To all reader of this blog, Thank you very much for your attention...May God Bless You All...

Know Your Saints

Saint Lucy (Feast Day-13 December)

Saint Lucy, also known as Saint Lucia, (283 – 304) was a wealthy young Christian martyr who is venerated as a saint by Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Orthodox Christians. Her feast day in the West is 13 December, by the unreformed Julian calendar the longest night of the year; with a name derived from lux, lucis "light", she is the patron saint of those who are blind. Saint Lucy is one of the very few saints celebrated by members of the Lutheran Church among the Scandinavian peoples, who take part in Saint Lucy's Day celebrations that retain many elements of Germanic paganism. Saint Lucy is one of seven women, aside from the Blessed Virgin Mary, commemorated by name in the Canon of the Mass.

Her hagiography tells us that Lucy was a Christian during the Diocletian persecution. She consecrated her virginity to God,[2] refused to marry a pagan, and had her dowry distributed to the poor. Her would-be husband denounced her as a Christian to the governor of Syracuse, Sicily. Miraculously unable to move her or burn her, the guards took out her eyes with a fork.

The oldest record of her story comes from the fifth-century accounts of saints' lives.[2] By the sixth century, her story was widespread, so that she appears in the Sacramentary of Pope Gregory I.[3] At the opening of the eighth century Aldhelm included a brief account of her life among the virgins praised in De laude virginitatis, and in the following century the Venerable Bede included her in his Martyrology.[4] In medieval accounts, Saint Lucy's eyes are gouged out prior to her execution. In art, her eyes sometimes appear on a plate that she is holding.

Until 1861 relics of Saint Lucy were venerated in a church dedicated to her in Venice; after its demolition, they were translated to the church of San Geremia.

The Roman Catholic calendar of saints formerly had a commemoration of Saints Lucy and Geminianus on 16 September. This was removed in 1969, as a duplication of the feast of her dies natalis on 13 December and because the Geminianus in question, mentioned in the Passio of Saint Lucy, seems to be a merely fictitious figure,[5] unrelated to the Geminianus whose feast is on 31 January.

In Mark Musa's translation of Dante's Purgatorio, it is noted that Lucy was admired by an undesirable suitor for her beautiful eyes. To stay chaste she plucked out her own eyes, a great sacrifice for which God gave her a pair of even more beautiful eyes. It is said in Sweden that to vividly celebrate St. Lucy's Day will help him/her live the long winter days with enough light.

Lucy's name also played a large part in naming Lucy as a patron saint of the blind and those with eye-trouble. She was the patroness of Syarcuse in Sicily, Italy.

A Christmas Easter!

It’s wonderful to ponder the Christmas season –
Perhaps to reflect on what it might bring?
Is it really so much about the person –
or in our lives, what He actually means?

The spirit and joy and awe of this time –
is echoed throughout nations aplenty,
and celebrated with much anticipation -
this event that has changed the lives of many.

Hearts seem to be touched as never before –
as we ponder the infants’ mission to come.
That’s when we begin to realize so clearly -
what happened when His childhood was done?

And the mission He came to accomplish –
which, at this time, we don’t surmise,
because it’s overshadowed by His birth –
and not about the cross, on which He had died.

Inclined to journey to a place in time –
led by the Spirit to a dessert land.
It seems to be the place to go –
as the infant grew, from childhood into man.

May we already be graced to know –
that this season of Christmas is just the beginning,
only to be drawn to a place called Calvary –
for that’s where this infant would find His ending.

He lived a life of unconditional love –
the message given on the roads He did trod,
inviting all who would listen, to follow Him -
for our salvation, in the end, He would nod.

And so, as we take a preview of what was to be –
this Christmas Easter began in the crib where He laid,
with Sheppard’s in the field, on that first Christmas eve -
‘for our eternal life’, the price our Infant Savior paid!

@Steve A. Politte


Friday, December 11, 2009


What Saints said about Our Lady's Immaculate Conception

“He was the ark formed of incorruptible wood. For by this is signified that His tabernacle was exempt from putridity and corruption.” – St. Hippolytus (circa 235 A.D.)

“This Virgin Mother of the Only begotten of God is called Mary, worthy of God, immaculate of the immaculate, one of the one.” – Origen (244)

“Thou alone and Thy Mother are in all things fair; there is no flaw in Thee and no stain in Thy Mother.” – St. Ephraim (370)

“Mary, a virgin not only undefiled but a virgin whom grace has made inviolate, free of every stain of sin.” – St. Ambrose (388)

“A Virgin, innocent, spotless, free of all defect, untouched, unsullied, holy in soul and body, like a lily sprouting among thorns.” – Theodotus of Ancrya (446)

“The very fact that God has elected her proves that none was ever holier than Mary; if any stain had disfigured her soul, if any other virgin had been purer and holier, God would have selected her and rejected Mary.” – Jacob of Sarug (521)

“In the womb of the her mother now begins to blossom the earth which will be the dwelling place of the Creator of the earth, the holy scepter, the new ark, the vessel of manna, … the bush which was not consumed by fire, the golden candelabrum, the living bridal room of the Lord God.” – Hymn for the feast of the Conception of St. Anne (seventh century)

“She is born like the cherubim, she who is of a pure, immaculate clay.” – Theotoknos of Livias (650)

“Today humanity, in all the radiance of her immaculate nobility, receives its ancient beauty. The shame of sin had darkened the splendor and attraction of human nature; but when the Mother of the Fair One par excellence is born, this nature again regains in her person its ancient privileges and is fashioned according to a perfect model truly worthy of God…. The reform of our nature begins today, and the aged world, subjected to a wholly divine transformation, receives the first fruits of the second creation.” – Andrew of Crete (733)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

World of Loves

If World full of loves, and yet we can share our opinions and thoughts through of LOVE...
So many difficults and differences of belief can share through of LOVE....
Look around you..your friends...your enemy...what are you going to do with them..Are you LOVEs them or break the LOVEs, You never know the otherside that actually you enemy is forgiving you...and Let the LOVEs around between of you....

HOW GOD LOVES YOU...? Share Them and I send LOVEs to You....GOD BLESS


For many years we have been told by Catholic "prophets" that we face a time of persecution.This, to some degree, we have seen: crucifixes banned, nativities disallowed, nothing with the Name of Jesus.Slowly and sometimes not so slowly, the momentum in government and media is to diminish religion -- at least Christianity (Muslims somehow earn an exemption).

It is time for Catholics to stand up. It is time for them to realize that there are more Christians -- vastly more -- than non-believers. It is time to write elected officials before the removal of Christ from Christmas expands to the removal of Christ, period.The next time Frosty the Snowman is allowed but not the Infant in the Crib, do something; call someone; e-mail.Will the day come when churches are actually closed in the West, as they were in the Soviet Union?


But the main persecution, for now -- and intensifying -- is a persecution in the spirit. The spiritual intensity has been ratcheted up. While it manifests in overt ways -- such as removal of religious symbols -- the main concern is how it is affecting us personally. Catholics and other active believing Christians are seeing a rise of evil the likes of which we have not noticed before -- not just societal, worldly evil (which is what the Catholic media focuses upon), but personal attacks by demons.

The enemy is invisible and operating in the darkness of spiritual blindness -- blindsiding us at every turn. The unfortunate events, the accidents, the tensions in households, seem to be swelling. Neighbors are finding more fault with neighbors. Teachers and parents are at odds. There is dissension in the workplace. Insult and harsh language dominate the popular culture. We are at each other's throats far too often, unable to turn the other cheek, unable to forgive.

"The Lord conveyed to me that never in the history of humanity has the world been so far away from Him," says Marino Restrepo, a Catholic evangelist who had a dramatic encounter with the Lord and an angel while kidnapped in Colombia -- held for weeks by drug gangsters in a cave. "The state of idolatry has surpassed every single human cycle of the past that might be registered in the history of the sacred Scriptures. Our spiritual bankruptcy is of alarming dimension."

"Satan knows how short and transitory our earthly life is," Marino once wrote (in a tremendous book called From Darkness to Light). "He knows he has to use the vital moments of our existence to exact the greatest damage so that when we reach a mature age, we no longer have the strength to change. In retrospect I can see the urgency of Satan using our youth and vitality to keep us active without rest day and night."

A former musician and Hollywood type, in his days of living in Europe and the States, Marino says that during his encounter he learned that every unconfessed sin -- every transgression for which there has not been reparation -- "is guarded by demons," explaining how darkness builds around us and comes down through generations. "When we decide to confess our sins, we inadvertently arrest all the activities of the devil in our lives," he poignantly observed.

"The Lord showed me intergenerational inheritance, the strong force that binds those who walk in sin, who walk over the territory of evil," he added. "In addition to suffering the consequences of our own sins, we also carry additional baggage -- the sins of our ancestors."What does Marino say about the current state of the world?

"I have been in three continents this year in a continuous mission in parishes, seminaries, convents, and many different events within the Catholic faith," he recently wrote to us. "One thing is clear to me and it is how fascinating it is to see the different infusions of the Holy Spirit with every Pope. It is definitely the sign of a shifting, of a moving closer to the returning of Jesus, a preparation of the people of God to work according to the calling of the Gospel, to be true warriors of Christ for the salvations of souls. "These are the times of great trials, let's prepare and be good and humble so when the tough get going in our particular life we could be able to reach within and find the strength of the Almighty who dwells in our hearts because we have been faithful, then we'll not have to fear anything, we'll be strong and safe.

"Pope Benedict the XVI is unfolding as a precious gift of wisdom and strength for a Church that has to navigate the thick and rebellious waters of a world that grows more perverse as time goes by. The Holy Father is a torment for the disobedient and a joy to the obedient; it is an immense grace to have a witness of sane doctrine that has no fear and will not let the truth be compromised by anyone.

"What a painful sight it is to observe so many people dead to grace, dead to love, in danger of eternal damnation. I work hard in my heart to open wider to the Holy Spirit so that my walking by the ocean of God's souls can make a difference by giving a clear testimony of my faith: loving unconditionally everyone, forgiving the same way, making sure that I'm last and every one is first, bringing about in every thing a tireless spirit of service, striving for true charity at all cost and at all times.

"What a wonderful life has God given us and how great will it be that we'll appreciate it so that we could walk the walk of life in Christ, following His footsteps. "What a great invitation we have to transcend this earthly life into the fullness of the spiritual realization in the eternal glory of God. "Yes, it is sad to see people in the Church preaching heresies and people in the Church practicing magic and importing vicious philosophies and ideologies, but it is even sadder to see so many doing nothing about and so busy criticizing and judging. To be active and alert is to be faithful and compassionate.

"Let's all work much harder on being truly of God, on being humble and forgiving, on being true warriors of the love of God. This world is dying for the need of the love of God. These are the times of great spiritual darkness and we are called to be the light and the hope to all. Let's be brave and holy so that when we die and appear before the Divine Tribunal of Jesus, we could be holding the riches of the spiritual world: many souls that were saved by our testimony."

[resources: Spirit Daily News]

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hello...Selamat Menyambut Hari Natal 2009 bagi anda rakan-rakan sekalian. Hari yang kita tunggu-tunggukan bagi mereka yang merayakan perayaan kudus ini, sambil lah kita berdoa dengan penuh harapan bagi kedatangan Tuhan Yesus yang kedua kalinya..Kelahiran Yesus disambut dengan penuh gembira dan pengharapan bagi mereka yang penuh penderitaan..seperti yang kita ketahui, Yesus datang ke dunia ini bukan dengan penuh kemewahan malah Yesus dilahirkan dalam suasana yang penuh kedinginan dan suram oleh kerana penolakan orang-orang sezamannya. Yesus lahir di dekat kandang Bethlehem dan tidak sesiapa pun tahu akan kelahirannya sehingga Malaikat memberi Khabar gembira kepada gembala-gembala.... Seluruh Surgawi menyambut kegembiraan ini kerana Penyelamat Manusia sudah datang...Betapa sukacita memenuhi jiwa kita sekian lama saat menantikan peristiwa ini.....

Marilah kita sama-sama menantikan peristiwa ini dengan penuh syukur kerana penyelamat kita sudah datang. Dia yang datang penuh kemuliaan akan membawa damai sejahtera bagi jiwa kita dan kelegaan kepada seluruh dunia ini........Happy Christmas...

Pesan Ibu

Suatu hari, tampak seorang pemuda tergesa-gesa memasuki sebuah restoran karena kelaparan sejak pagi belum sarapan. Setelah memesan makanan, seorang anak penjaja kue menghampirinya, "Om, beli kue Om, masih hangat dan enak rasanya!"

"Tidak Dik, saya mau makan nasi saja," kata si pemuda menolak. Sambil tersenyum si anak pun berlalu dan menunggu di luar restoran.

Melihat si pemuda telah selesai menyantap makanannya, si anak menghampiri lagi dan menyodorkan kuenya. Si pemuda sambil beranjak ke kasir hendak membayar makanan berkata, "Tidak Dik, saya sudah kenyang."

Sambil berkukuh mengikuti si pemuda, si anak berkata, "Kuenya bisa dibuat oleh-oleh pulang, Om." Dompet yang belum sempat dimasukkan ke kantong pun dibukanya kembali. Dikeluarkannya dua lembar ribuan dan ia mengangsurkan ke anak penjual kue. "Saya tidak mau kuenya. Uang ini anggap saja sedekah dari saya."

Dengan senang hati diterimanya uang itu. Lalu, dia bergegas ke luar restoran, dan memberikan uang pemberian tadi kepada pengemis yang berada di depan restoran. Si pemuda memperhatikan dengan seksama. Dia merasa heran dan sedikit tersinggung. Ia langsung menegur, "Hai adik kecil, kenapa uangnya kamu berikan kepada orang lain? Kamu berjualan kan untuk mendapatkan uang. Kenapa setelah uang ada di tanganmu, malah kamu berikan ke si pengemis itu?"

"Om, saya mohon maaf. Jangan marah ya. Ibu saya mengajarkan kepada saya untuk mendapatkan uang dari usaha berjualan atas jerih payah sendiri, bukan dari mengemis. Kue-kue ini dibuat oleh ibu saya sendiri dan ibu pasti kecewa, marah, dan sedih, jika saya menerima uang dari Om bukan hasil dari menjual kue. Tadi Om bilang, uang sedekah, maka uangnya saya berikan kepada pengemis itu." Si pemuda merasa takjub dan menganggukkan kepala tanda mengerti. "Baiklah, berapa banyak kue yang kamu bawa? Saya borong semua untuk oleh-oleh." Si anak pun segera menghitung dengan gembira.

Sambil menyerahkan uang si pemuda berkata, "Terima kasih Dik, atas pelajaran hari ini. Sampaikan salam saya kepada ibumu." Walaupun tidak mengerti tentang pelajaran apa yang dikatakan si pemuda, dengan gembira diterimanya uang itu sambil berucap, "Terima kasih, Om. Ibu saya pasti akan gembira sekali, hasil kerja kerasnya dihargai dan itu sangat berarti bagi kehidupan kami."

Teman-teman yang luar biasa,

Ini sebuah ilustrasi tentang sikap perjuangan hidup yang POSITIF dan TERHORMAT. Walaupun mereka miskin harta, tetapi mereka kaya mental! Menyikapi kemiskinan bukan dengan mengemis dan minta belas kasihan dari orang lain. Tapi dengan bekerja keras, jujur, dan membanting tulang.

Jika setiap manusia mau melatih dan mengembangkan kekayaan mental di dalam menjalani kehidupan ini, lambat atau cepat kekayaan mental yang telah kita miliki itu akan mengkristal menjadi karakter, dan karakter itulah yang akan menjadi embrio dari kesuksesan sejati yang mampu kita ukir dengan gemilang.

Dikutip dari Sumber: Jesus Inspire Me Blog

Friday, November 20, 2009

Prayers for twins

Published: November 19, 2009 The sisters from Bangladesh's Missionaries of Charity were praying when conjoined twins Krishna and Trishna were wheeled into surgery at Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital, reports the Daily Telegraph.

"We prayed from 8am to 8pm," Sister Grace from Missionaries of Charity in Bangladesh said. On Tuesday afternoon, the girls who were joined at the head were successfully separated after 32 hours of surgery. The 15 sisters who had a part in raising the girls continued to pray when they heard the news. "I gave the announcement to all the sisters and we prayed," Sister Grace recalled after receiving the good news over the phone from the Melbourne charity Children First Foundation, which had organised the surgery to take place in Australia, the report says.

"For us the prayer is not just for the operation but for the life of the girls." The girls, who are 2 years and 11 months old, were the first conjoined twins at Mother Teresa's Orphanage, which was opened in the capital Dhaka in 1976. Sydney woman Danielle Noble was one of those who took part in the mission to save Krishna and Trishna.

When she first met the twins in January 2007 they were fragile and only a month old. She felt in her heart that something had to be done to save them. She took the first steps to get the girls to Melbourne a year later. "I am just one person in a long chain of people," she said. "This would not have happened with just one single individual, it was a combination of so many people who worked hard to achieve this outcome."

After raising money among Australian expats in Dhaka, Ms Noble found Atom Rahman, an Australian-Bangladeshi who was a representative of the Children First Foundation and is now the girls' co-guardian, along with the founder of CFF Moira Kelly. The twins were given a 25 percent chance of coming through the operation unharmed, with a 50 percent chance they would be brain damaged and a 25 percent chance that one of them would die, the report says. The Herald Sun reports the first brain scans of Trishna and Krishna since they were separated have fuelled hopes the Bangladeshi orphans have come through their marathon operation in good health.

The full results of the scans would be known on Thursday, but guardian Ms Kelly said the tests had gone extremely well.


When a person especially aggravates you, at times it's because there's still something in you that connects with what is in the person. Maintaining that aggravation binds you to the person -- attaches you.
The aggravation only grows, particularly the more you talk of it.

As soon as this "weed" of aggravation sends its seed into your spirit, root it out; search in prayer for a similar defect in your own personality; and cast it out in the Name of Jesus. Then, replace it with love.The aggravation will cease, and you will be who you really are. Otherwise, you'll see yourself through the prism of others. "Otherwise" is other than wise.

Of course, people irk us for many reasons. It's not always something inside of us. There are times when our spirits sense something wrong and even evil around a person. There are those who are simply irksome. There are those who threaten, or pry, or are jealous. Being irked by someone can be an early-warning system.

Not everyone is meant to be with every one else. There is a purpose to those with whom He wants you surrounded -- and when there is aggravation, sometimes that plan is being circumvented. God has assigned people to us, just as he has assigned to us a station in life. Aggravation can be your subconscious sensing harm.

Now, that's not to say we shouldn't love. If we're kind, we'll have joy. But sometimes we have to be cautious about proximity to the evil in others. There is holy opposition. Our spirits oppose that which is not congruous -- and may even be a threat. People "rub us the wrong way." We're not in sync. But sometimes the aggravation is a connection between areas of darkness in you and the other person -- a bridge between territories of hurt, personality deficiency, or sin. Root out the darkness!

As a nun named Mother Nadine Brown of Omaha says in a new book (Inner Healing Through the Heart of Jesus), "When you find a person who irritates you, try going home, making a list of all the things about their personality that bother you. Take a look at it. What is it about the person bothers me? Are they aggressive? Does that bother me? Are they trying to monopolize the conversation?

"Then ask the Holy Spirit if you have these characteristics within you. Usually, when I react to someone else and to something in someone else, I might have to realize that there is something in me that is causing me to react, especially if I overreact. "Have you ever noticed that when you get healed in a certain area, that person, or that situation, or that comment just doesn't bother you at all anymore? That is a good sign that you are healed. The kind of person I find most difficult to accept is the kind of person that is most likely to be in my unhealed area. That would be more my unredeemed self, my false self."

And that may be why God causes us to cross paths with such people: in order to purify us.A true spirit is wise. A true spirit reflects with God. A true spirit finds entry into paradise. The wise rise. Too often, as Scripture says, we are ever learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth.

Only a clear spirit is a true spirit -- true to itself. Choose always wisdom over knowledge; gain a clean spirit. Cast out the spirit of anger.

Here is a crucial passage in Scripture:

"In Wisdom is a spirit intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, agile, clear, unstained, certain, not baneful, loving the good, keen, unhampered, beneficent, kindly, firm, secure, tranquil, all-powerful, all-seeing, and pervading all spirits, though they be intelligent, pure and very subtle.

"For Wisdom is mobile beyond all motion, and she penetrates and pervades all things by reason of her purity. For she is an aura of the might of God and a pure effusion of the glory of the Almighty; therefore naught that is sullied enters into her. For she is the refulgence of eternal light, the spotless mirror of the power of God, the image of his goodness" (Wisdom 7:22).

Source from: Spirit Daily News

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dinner dekat Bundusan, Penampang Baru

Kak Zie, Sito & Gomoi...Kami tengah menapau makanan ni..hehhe... PEACE..!!!

                                                                                      Aikk....senyu...mmm..senyu...capat..!!Aikk..Serius Juga...?Senyuman Anti Momoi malam itu..Bah...

Ini time makan...tapi c momoi ngam2 kena gambar, tertutup pula mata dia... sakit mata dia bilang....

Aikk..Takkan serius makan ....Sito...control bah kan...Moi...ko makan banyak tuh....
Odoi...agayo nakan!!!

Ini semasa Kami pergi ke Dinner pada bulan March Lalu..di May Flower Restaurant Bundusan, Penampang Baru. Ini baru lepas makan, jadi Bulat sedikit...hehehe....

Sito tengah bergambar, Tiba2 ada senduk melayang mau pukul tuhkamera girl..hehhe..Jangan bisong kio..kami mau tambah lagi ni...

Refreshing News: Baby boy gives two-finger salute to the world... from inside the WOMB

If Owen Skeffington grows up to show a lack of respect for authority, his parents can hardly complain that he didn't warn them.A scan taken at 27 weeks clearly shows the infant raising two fingers to the camera.Such was the hilarity at Royal Preston Hospital that the sonographer asked permission of his parents, Owen senior and Kelly, to put the picture on the wall.

The 4D scan image of baby Owen Patrick Skeffington sticking his two fingers up to the cameraThe couple, from Ashton, Preston, who also have three-year-old twins girls, Niamh and Erin, said they couldn't decide whether baby Owen was being rude to them or simply showing how many sisters he has.
His father Owen, 34, joked: 'Luckily, he didn't come out sticking two fingers up!'
Owen's comical antics caused great hilarity at the hospital. The sonographer carrying out the scan even asked for the couple's permission to reproduce the image and put it on the wall for other patients to see.Kelly has since given birth to Owen at Royal Preson Hospital.According to popular legend, the rude V-sign was a gesture of defiance first used by English and Welsh archers during the 100 Years War against France.The French apparently threatened to cut off the arrow-shooting fingers of the longbow men, so the archers would wave these two fingers to show they could still shoot.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sejuk Hari ini..

Hi dear Friends..

Tadi petang di Kota Kinabalu sini sangat sejuk..ooh..saya pakai baju panjang sepanjang bekerja ofis..nah mungkin sakit sudah saya..

Saya terbaca akhar hari ini di mana hampir seluruh dunia di liputi angin yang sejukk..biasalah mau dekat X'mas angin pun sejuk juga...tapi mengecewakan sebab banyak orang meninggal hari ini...kerana bencana alam...sedihnya tapi kalau kita renung-renung balik..apa yang terjadi..semuanya bukan kesalahan alam juga tapi kerana akibat kerakusan manusia yang tidak menghargai pemberian Tuhan kepada Bumi ini..

So, Sayangi lah Alam kita kawan..sebab mungkin giliran kita yang akan terjadi...sebelum terlambat..baiklah kita usahakan mencintai Bumi ini..yang Tuhan telah bagi secara percuma....

Life is Beautiful....

Saturday, November 7, 2009


When folks throw garbage at you, treat it as just that: a case where they have been trashed themselves and are looking for an outlet.

Don't take it personally. Bless them; move on. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.

They call that the "law of the garbage truck." What it takes, sometimes, are "buttons." First, a reset button, like on your computer. Every day, ask God for the contrition and grace you need and then reset your spirit to forget the guilt and anger and resentment that have built like trash from past events; start the day like it's a clean slate.

Each morning, "reboot." Clear the screen. See Christ. Don't remain mired in your personal history.

How many past insults, past hurts, past missed opportunities or antagonisms or "failures" (or sins) still haunt you? Did you ever consider how often you let them weigh you down just by thinking of them?

Bad thoughts are flags of litter (or piles of sludge).

Such trash. Put too a button for a switch that lights a "no vacancy" sign.

That is, leave no room for negative thoughts. They too are waste. Let nothing negative from others enter. When people try to feed you their refuse, when they say hurtful things, treat it like a foreign language.

Stop going to the hum and murmur of the enemy.

As a preacher points out, we have to listen carefully. We have to know what is a good sound and what is not. There are bats that swoop down for frogs but must be extraordinarily cautious about the poisonous ones. These bats listen. The poisonous frogs make a screech that is slightly more shrill.

So tuned in are the bats that they know which frogs to eat and which to avoid -- as we must also choose what we accept as ideas.

The enemy wants to spoil your day. Don't let him. He wants to trash your holidays. He wants to contaminate your conception of life.

How do we put up a "no vacancy" sign"? How do we keep our slate clean?

We have to cast out various "spirits" -- remove them from where they reside deep within. Name the "spirit of anger," break its hold in the Name of Jesus, and cast it to the foot of the Cross for disposal according to His Will -- never to return, sealed against, in the Name of Jesus; make the Sign of the Cross on your lips. (As you cast it out, you may even want to physically exhale it as a form of punctuation.)

Expel the garbage that has built up. Throw out the trash. Turn on your spiritual garbage disposal. One by one expel also these common spirits that haunt us:

The spirit of rage.

The spirit of resentment.

The spirit of jealousy.

The spirit of regret.

The spirit of guilt.

The spirit of lust.

The spirit of greed.

The spirit of negativity.

Break and cast each out every morning during prayer or Communion and fill the empty space with love, which will create good thoughts without your even trying! Empty yourself of self and God will enter.

You'll start to feel like a new person.

Hear not the screech of the enemy -- that is, don't go for it. Know where it is, and stay far from it. Go to the small, still voice.

Look at your mind the same way you do a window: when you open the blinds, it is to let in the sun (not clouds).

Do we have to face reality? Yes. But too often we let the perceptions of others shape our own -- including negativity about ourselves. Poison. Put it in the waste can. If you're faithful enough, there is no room for it.

Pick and choose.

Don't go after the wrong frog.

And don't become "attached" to a hurt.

When we think about something over and again -- an insult, a wrong action by someone, a misconception they have spread -- we only bind ourselves to that person, and we surely do not want to do that. We bind ourselves and have a bad day over it. It rots within.

Forgive, reject the scraps, and move on without looking back. Don't become a landfill!

"Oh Lord," we must say, "protect my mind from wrongful thoughts, and from the hurts of the enemy. Seal me." Force the negative out. No Vacancy.

Learn to quickly replace negative thoughts with positive ones, worries with hopes, "downer" thoughts with thoughts about things you plan to do (that are pleasant) and it can change your life and perhaps your afterlife as well, for when we die we step into the reality towards which we have oriented.

Use the right "software." Reboot. Have discipline. Control your thinking. Discipline is a key to happiness. Flash on the sign. Fill yourself with the Word of God -- fill all the "rooms" of your inner sanctuary with that and no evil (no frogs) will enter.