Monday, February 20, 2012

Thought for Today,
Monday, February 20, 2012
They say: 'Good things come to those who wait.' I believe good things come to those who persist patiently.

 Live with love

Life is beautiful. And love greatly magnifies that beauty.

Love has no reason. It is the reason.

Give love, and you have even more. Live with love, and you
live with all the richness life has to offer.

Let yourself love sincerely, without expectation, just
because that love flows naturally from who you are. Let go
of the pretenses, fears and inhibitions, and live with the
love that is at the center of you.

Live with love, and it brings out the best in you. Think,
speak and act from a perspective of real, authentic love,
and the result is genuine and growing fulfillment.

Live with love. For love will carry you forward like nothing
else can.

Ralph Marston