Friday, November 20, 2009

Prayers for twins

Published: November 19, 2009 The sisters from Bangladesh's Missionaries of Charity were praying when conjoined twins Krishna and Trishna were wheeled into surgery at Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital, reports the Daily Telegraph.

"We prayed from 8am to 8pm," Sister Grace from Missionaries of Charity in Bangladesh said. On Tuesday afternoon, the girls who were joined at the head were successfully separated after 32 hours of surgery. The 15 sisters who had a part in raising the girls continued to pray when they heard the news. "I gave the announcement to all the sisters and we prayed," Sister Grace recalled after receiving the good news over the phone from the Melbourne charity Children First Foundation, which had organised the surgery to take place in Australia, the report says.

"For us the prayer is not just for the operation but for the life of the girls." The girls, who are 2 years and 11 months old, were the first conjoined twins at Mother Teresa's Orphanage, which was opened in the capital Dhaka in 1976. Sydney woman Danielle Noble was one of those who took part in the mission to save Krishna and Trishna.

When she first met the twins in January 2007 they were fragile and only a month old. She felt in her heart that something had to be done to save them. She took the first steps to get the girls to Melbourne a year later. "I am just one person in a long chain of people," she said. "This would not have happened with just one single individual, it was a combination of so many people who worked hard to achieve this outcome."

After raising money among Australian expats in Dhaka, Ms Noble found Atom Rahman, an Australian-Bangladeshi who was a representative of the Children First Foundation and is now the girls' co-guardian, along with the founder of CFF Moira Kelly. The twins were given a 25 percent chance of coming through the operation unharmed, with a 50 percent chance they would be brain damaged and a 25 percent chance that one of them would die, the report says. The Herald Sun reports the first brain scans of Trishna and Krishna since they were separated have fuelled hopes the Bangladeshi orphans have come through their marathon operation in good health.

The full results of the scans would be known on Thursday, but guardian Ms Kelly said the tests had gone extremely well.


When a person especially aggravates you, at times it's because there's still something in you that connects with what is in the person. Maintaining that aggravation binds you to the person -- attaches you.
The aggravation only grows, particularly the more you talk of it.

As soon as this "weed" of aggravation sends its seed into your spirit, root it out; search in prayer for a similar defect in your own personality; and cast it out in the Name of Jesus. Then, replace it with love.The aggravation will cease, and you will be who you really are. Otherwise, you'll see yourself through the prism of others. "Otherwise" is other than wise.

Of course, people irk us for many reasons. It's not always something inside of us. There are times when our spirits sense something wrong and even evil around a person. There are those who are simply irksome. There are those who threaten, or pry, or are jealous. Being irked by someone can be an early-warning system.

Not everyone is meant to be with every one else. There is a purpose to those with whom He wants you surrounded -- and when there is aggravation, sometimes that plan is being circumvented. God has assigned people to us, just as he has assigned to us a station in life. Aggravation can be your subconscious sensing harm.

Now, that's not to say we shouldn't love. If we're kind, we'll have joy. But sometimes we have to be cautious about proximity to the evil in others. There is holy opposition. Our spirits oppose that which is not congruous -- and may even be a threat. People "rub us the wrong way." We're not in sync. But sometimes the aggravation is a connection between areas of darkness in you and the other person -- a bridge between territories of hurt, personality deficiency, or sin. Root out the darkness!

As a nun named Mother Nadine Brown of Omaha says in a new book (Inner Healing Through the Heart of Jesus), "When you find a person who irritates you, try going home, making a list of all the things about their personality that bother you. Take a look at it. What is it about the person bothers me? Are they aggressive? Does that bother me? Are they trying to monopolize the conversation?

"Then ask the Holy Spirit if you have these characteristics within you. Usually, when I react to someone else and to something in someone else, I might have to realize that there is something in me that is causing me to react, especially if I overreact. "Have you ever noticed that when you get healed in a certain area, that person, or that situation, or that comment just doesn't bother you at all anymore? That is a good sign that you are healed. The kind of person I find most difficult to accept is the kind of person that is most likely to be in my unhealed area. That would be more my unredeemed self, my false self."

And that may be why God causes us to cross paths with such people: in order to purify us.A true spirit is wise. A true spirit reflects with God. A true spirit finds entry into paradise. The wise rise. Too often, as Scripture says, we are ever learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth.

Only a clear spirit is a true spirit -- true to itself. Choose always wisdom over knowledge; gain a clean spirit. Cast out the spirit of anger.

Here is a crucial passage in Scripture:

"In Wisdom is a spirit intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, agile, clear, unstained, certain, not baneful, loving the good, keen, unhampered, beneficent, kindly, firm, secure, tranquil, all-powerful, all-seeing, and pervading all spirits, though they be intelligent, pure and very subtle.

"For Wisdom is mobile beyond all motion, and she penetrates and pervades all things by reason of her purity. For she is an aura of the might of God and a pure effusion of the glory of the Almighty; therefore naught that is sullied enters into her. For she is the refulgence of eternal light, the spotless mirror of the power of God, the image of his goodness" (Wisdom 7:22).

Source from: Spirit Daily News

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dinner dekat Bundusan, Penampang Baru

Kak Zie, Sito & Gomoi...Kami tengah menapau makanan ni..hehhe... PEACE..!!!

                                                                                      Aikk....senyu...mmm..senyu...capat..!!Aikk..Serius Juga...?Senyuman Anti Momoi malam itu..Bah...

Ini time makan...tapi c momoi ngam2 kena gambar, tertutup pula mata dia... sakit mata dia bilang....

Aikk..Takkan serius makan ....Sito...control bah kan...Moi...ko makan banyak tuh....
Odoi...agayo nakan!!!

Ini semasa Kami pergi ke Dinner pada bulan March Lalu..di May Flower Restaurant Bundusan, Penampang Baru. Ini baru lepas makan, jadi Bulat sedikit...hehehe....

Sito tengah bergambar, Tiba2 ada senduk melayang mau pukul tuhkamera girl..hehhe..Jangan bisong kio..kami mau tambah lagi ni...

Refreshing News: Baby boy gives two-finger salute to the world... from inside the WOMB

If Owen Skeffington grows up to show a lack of respect for authority, his parents can hardly complain that he didn't warn them.A scan taken at 27 weeks clearly shows the infant raising two fingers to the camera.Such was the hilarity at Royal Preston Hospital that the sonographer asked permission of his parents, Owen senior and Kelly, to put the picture on the wall.

The 4D scan image of baby Owen Patrick Skeffington sticking his two fingers up to the cameraThe couple, from Ashton, Preston, who also have three-year-old twins girls, Niamh and Erin, said they couldn't decide whether baby Owen was being rude to them or simply showing how many sisters he has.
His father Owen, 34, joked: 'Luckily, he didn't come out sticking two fingers up!'
Owen's comical antics caused great hilarity at the hospital. The sonographer carrying out the scan even asked for the couple's permission to reproduce the image and put it on the wall for other patients to see.Kelly has since given birth to Owen at Royal Preson Hospital.According to popular legend, the rude V-sign was a gesture of defiance first used by English and Welsh archers during the 100 Years War against France.The French apparently threatened to cut off the arrow-shooting fingers of the longbow men, so the archers would wave these two fingers to show they could still shoot.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sejuk Hari ini..

Hi dear Friends..

Tadi petang di Kota Kinabalu sini sangat sejuk..ooh..saya pakai baju panjang sepanjang bekerja ofis..nah mungkin sakit sudah saya..

Saya terbaca akhar hari ini di mana hampir seluruh dunia di liputi angin yang sejukk..biasalah mau dekat X'mas angin pun sejuk juga...tapi mengecewakan sebab banyak orang meninggal hari ini...kerana bencana alam...sedihnya tapi kalau kita renung-renung balik..apa yang terjadi..semuanya bukan kesalahan alam juga tapi kerana akibat kerakusan manusia yang tidak menghargai pemberian Tuhan kepada Bumi ini..

So, Sayangi lah Alam kita kawan..sebab mungkin giliran kita yang akan terjadi...sebelum terlambat..baiklah kita usahakan mencintai Bumi ini..yang Tuhan telah bagi secara percuma....

Life is Beautiful....

Saturday, November 7, 2009


When folks throw garbage at you, treat it as just that: a case where they have been trashed themselves and are looking for an outlet.

Don't take it personally. Bless them; move on. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.

They call that the "law of the garbage truck." What it takes, sometimes, are "buttons." First, a reset button, like on your computer. Every day, ask God for the contrition and grace you need and then reset your spirit to forget the guilt and anger and resentment that have built like trash from past events; start the day like it's a clean slate.

Each morning, "reboot." Clear the screen. See Christ. Don't remain mired in your personal history.

How many past insults, past hurts, past missed opportunities or antagonisms or "failures" (or sins) still haunt you? Did you ever consider how often you let them weigh you down just by thinking of them?

Bad thoughts are flags of litter (or piles of sludge).

Such trash. Put too a button for a switch that lights a "no vacancy" sign.

That is, leave no room for negative thoughts. They too are waste. Let nothing negative from others enter. When people try to feed you their refuse, when they say hurtful things, treat it like a foreign language.

Stop going to the hum and murmur of the enemy.

As a preacher points out, we have to listen carefully. We have to know what is a good sound and what is not. There are bats that swoop down for frogs but must be extraordinarily cautious about the poisonous ones. These bats listen. The poisonous frogs make a screech that is slightly more shrill.

So tuned in are the bats that they know which frogs to eat and which to avoid -- as we must also choose what we accept as ideas.

The enemy wants to spoil your day. Don't let him. He wants to trash your holidays. He wants to contaminate your conception of life.

How do we put up a "no vacancy" sign"? How do we keep our slate clean?

We have to cast out various "spirits" -- remove them from where they reside deep within. Name the "spirit of anger," break its hold in the Name of Jesus, and cast it to the foot of the Cross for disposal according to His Will -- never to return, sealed against, in the Name of Jesus; make the Sign of the Cross on your lips. (As you cast it out, you may even want to physically exhale it as a form of punctuation.)

Expel the garbage that has built up. Throw out the trash. Turn on your spiritual garbage disposal. One by one expel also these common spirits that haunt us:

The spirit of rage.

The spirit of resentment.

The spirit of jealousy.

The spirit of regret.

The spirit of guilt.

The spirit of lust.

The spirit of greed.

The spirit of negativity.

Break and cast each out every morning during prayer or Communion and fill the empty space with love, which will create good thoughts without your even trying! Empty yourself of self and God will enter.

You'll start to feel like a new person.

Hear not the screech of the enemy -- that is, don't go for it. Know where it is, and stay far from it. Go to the small, still voice.

Look at your mind the same way you do a window: when you open the blinds, it is to let in the sun (not clouds).

Do we have to face reality? Yes. But too often we let the perceptions of others shape our own -- including negativity about ourselves. Poison. Put it in the waste can. If you're faithful enough, there is no room for it.

Pick and choose.

Don't go after the wrong frog.

And don't become "attached" to a hurt.

When we think about something over and again -- an insult, a wrong action by someone, a misconception they have spread -- we only bind ourselves to that person, and we surely do not want to do that. We bind ourselves and have a bad day over it. It rots within.

Forgive, reject the scraps, and move on without looking back. Don't become a landfill!

"Oh Lord," we must say, "protect my mind from wrongful thoughts, and from the hurts of the enemy. Seal me." Force the negative out. No Vacancy.

Learn to quickly replace negative thoughts with positive ones, worries with hopes, "downer" thoughts with thoughts about things you plan to do (that are pleasant) and it can change your life and perhaps your afterlife as well, for when we die we step into the reality towards which we have oriented.

Use the right "software." Reboot. Have discipline. Control your thinking. Discipline is a key to happiness. Flash on the sign. Fill yourself with the Word of God -- fill all the "rooms" of your inner sanctuary with that and no evil (no frogs) will enter.